
AI doctors and engineers are coming – but they won’t be stealing high-skill jobs

Verizon throttled California fire department during wildfire crisis

23 Attorneys General Urge Appeals Court To Restore Net Neutrality

Fire dep’t rejects Verizon’s “customer support mistake” excuse for throttling

Valve’s “Steam Play” uses Vulkan to bring more Windows games to Linux

Smart meter readings are a valid 'warrantless search,' court rules

Idle Android Devices Send Data to Google Nearly 10 Times More Often Than iOS Devices do to Apple, Research Finds

Texas ISP slams music biz for trying to turn it into a 'copyright cop'

Scottish tidal wave energy prototype performs phenomenally

How Costco thrives in the Amazon era

Update: Fire Chief to Court: Verizon Throttling Was Safety Threat - Verizon says it was customer service mistake