
ISPs say they can’t expand broadband unless gov’t gives them more money: Industry asks for handouts, arguing that broadband is essential—like a utility.

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

The government is ratcheting up its surveillance powers. But we can stop this - The people demanding these new powers have proven that they cannot be trusted with the powers they already have

Twitter Promptly Suspends Tesla Whistleblower Following Tweets About His Former Employer

How Facebook and Google Win By Embedding in Political Campaigns - A new report from the Campaign for Accountability details the questionable role of internet platforms in election races.

Trump loosens limits on when U.S. can deploy cyber weapons: WSJ

Cable's answer to cool new streaming services? Soaring internet prices

The FCC Says Net Neutrality Lawsuits Are Moot Because It Already Repealed Net Neutrality

AT&T Sued for $224 Million by Cryptocurrency Investor Who Lost a Fortune in Phone Hacks

FCC shuts down Alex Jones' pirate flagship radio station.

Wikipedia picture of the day on August 16, 2018: With a rainbow...