
Irony Alert: Disney (Yes, DISNEY!) Whines About 'Overzealous Copyright Holders'

Firefox Add-On With 220,000+ Installs Caught Collecting Users’ Browsing History

Telling the Truth About Defects in Technology Should Never, Ever, Ever Be Illegal. EVER.

MoviePass posts huge quarterly loss, shareholders sue

Despite legal threat, new anti-Facebook site launches to claim tech giant is ‘killing the internet’

Karma raises $12M to let restaurants and grocery stores offer unsold food at a discount

“Natural” birth-control app dogged by unwanted pregnancies gets FDA approval

The FCC Says Net Neutrality Lawsuits Are Moot Because It Already Repealed Net Neutrality

Intel’s SGX blown wide open by, you guessed it, a speculative execution attack

Amazon's one-day delivery ad banned as 'misleading'. The UK advertising regulator received 280 complaints about the online giant's one-day delivery claim.

Denouncing 'Wanton Disregard for Congress and the American People,' Dems Call on Ajit Pai to Come Clean About False FCC Cyberattack