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Microsoft Demands That Gab Delete Post Calling for 'Eradication of All Jews' - Microsoft has given the alt-right Twitter alternative 48 hours to delete two offending posts before it shuts down the company's cloud server account.

Sinclair's Bid to Monopolize Local TV News Is Officially Dead - Tribune Media has scrapped its merger deal and has accused Sinclair of "unnecessarily aggressive" behavior.

Wikipedia picture of the day on August 10, 2018: Usain Bolt...

Collapse of Sinclair TV Mega-Merger a Huge Victory for Viewers Across the Country

Ajit Pai Throws His Employees Under The Bus After Investigation Proves FCC Made Up DDOS Attack

US scientist who edited human embryos with CRISPR responds to critics

Porsche confirms 600hp and 500km range along with 800 volt charging, translating to 15 minutes of charging for 400 km of range, for 2019 Taycan EV

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Researchers experiment with new organic battery that may operate for decades

Google Hacker Asks Tim Cook to Donate $2.45 Million In Unpaid iPhone Bug Bounties: A Google security researcher says that he's found 30 vulnerabilities in iOS that have made Apple's software more secure—and he wants the company to pay up.