
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Security flaws on Comcast’s login page exposed customers’ personal information.

Microsoft’s undersea data center now has a webcam with fish swimming past 27.6 petabytes of data

Surprise, surprise. Here comes Big Cable to slay another rule that helps small ISPs compete

Twitter CEO to Hannity: We do not 'shadowban' conservatives

FCC lied to Congress about made-up DDoS attack, investigation found

EFF to the FCC: Don’t Let AT&T and Verizon Get a Chokehold on Internet Access Competition

U.S. senator says Russians have penetrated Florida election systems.

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Here's the Internal Report Proving the FCC Made Up a Cyberattack

The FCC lied to Congress about an alleged cyberattack and didn’t come clean until now - The case was referred to the Justice Department, which declined to prosecute last December