
The Pentagon just banned troops from wearing fitness trackers in war zones and on secret bases

Facebook Removes Alex Jones And InfoWars Pages: Apple, Spotify and YouTube also have taken action against the conspiracy theorist’s content.

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John Oliver Slams HBO's New Owner AT&T Over "Dogshit Customer Service Hotline"

Apple has removed Infowars podcasts from iTunes

Advertised broadband speeds now 41% slower since new rules came into force: New rules mean firms must now advertise the actual speeds you'll get - and as a result what's being advertised has fallen heavily, according to one consumer group

New wi-fi crack attack allows outsiders to snag user creds - works against 802.11i/p/q/r networks, which covers most modern routers.

Yet Another Study Shows You Beat Piracy Through Innovation, Rather Than Enforcement

Mark Zuckerberg wanted Facebook to change the world. And it has — but not for the better: Facebook, Twitter and Google’s YouTube have become the digital arms dealers of the modern age.

Captive Audience: How Companies Make Millions Charging Prisoners to Send An Email

France bans smartphone use in schools