
Ding! Always-on Alibaba office app fuels backlash among Chinese workers

Pinned to Pic of The Day on Pinterest

Oklahoma lawmaker: Congress should back net neutrality bill

Cheapest Advertised Broadband Speeds in UK 41% Slower Since ASA Ruling

Tesla built its own GPU because NVIDIA wasn't good enough

'We Are Not Bots': Facebook Censors U.S. Activists After Falsely Claiming They 'Unwittingly' Planned Protest

Fact-checkers have debunked this fake news site 80 times. It's still publishing on Facebook.

The DNC Is Telling Democrats to Dump Their ZTE and Huawei Devices, Even If They're Cheap

John McAfee’s ‘unhackable’ Bitcoin wallet (allegedly) got hacked

Google Glass helps kids with autism read facial expressions - Wearing a device that identifies other people’s facial expressions can help children with autism develop better social skills, a Stanford pilot study has demonstrated.

It would be great if Amazon paid more taxes – but it's the UK government's fault that there are tax loopholes, not theirs