
Scientists develop memory potentially exceeding hard drive capacity 1,000-fold. "138 terabytes per square inch, which is basically the size of one postage stamp."

Uganda doubles down on social media tax, VPN use rises

Facebook Won’t Stop Dangerous Anti-Vaccine Hoaxes From Spreading: Russians promoting fake news is bad enough, but pages claiming vaccines harm children is outright dangerous—and the company is doing nothing to stop them.

FCC Chair Tells Congress Net Neutrality Rules Harmed Investment

California Supreme Court Strengthens Section 230 Protections for Online Speech

Mandatory keys cut successful phishing attacks on Google to zero

Ambitious Plans Outlined For 2000 Supersonic Jets - Simple Flying

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Ajit Pai gets message from his hometown ISP: Don’t hurt us small ISPs - Pai's spectrum auction plan could make it hard for small ISPs to buy licenses.

Congressman Coffman crosses party lines, proposes reversal of FCC net neutrality repeal

Republican rep. goes dark after promising support of net neutrality