
Farewell, Google Maps (Google bumped the price of its maps 7x)

Microsoft reveals first known midterm campaign hacking attempts

Swedish researchers have discovered a new and efficient way to use electrocatalysis to produce hydrogen gas from water

Zuckerberg Secretly Called Trump After The Election

Best Buy Should Be Dead, But It’s Thriving in the Age of Amazon

Wikimedia Foundation announces Tanya Capuano as new Trustee, alongside leadership appointments at 14th annual Wikimania

Wikipedia volunteers and free knowledge leaders gather in Cape Town for the first annual “Wikimania” conference in sub-saharan Africa

Wikimedia releases ninth transparency report

Microsoft's Tom Burt says Russia tried to hack three 2018 US midterm candidates

Another Day, Another Pile Of Voter Data Left Laying Around On A Public Server

FCC votes against Sinclair/Tribune merger, likely dooming deal