
Hackers account for 90% of login attempts at online retailers

Russian Intelligence Hacked Into DNC Data Server Two Months Before Election

“The Internet is keeping score.” Major websites and web activists plan mass online protest Monday launching “scorecard” that shows where reps stand on net neutrality

Wikipedia picture of the day on July 20, 2018: The hydroplane...

The cashless society is a con – and big finance is behind it

Virtual Reality used in a trial program for Acrophobia, the medical term for fear of heights. They made use VR simulators and 70% of the VR group no longer had a fear of heights. Imagine what the future holds with advancements like this.

Germany sees sharp rise in 'fake science' journal publications — report - Thousands of German scientists — many using public funds — have published their results in quasi-scientific journals without being peer reviewed, according to a report. An expert described it as "a disaster for science."

Apple's i9 MacBooks Run so Hot They Have to Slow Down - Users are reporting that the new 15-inch MacBook Pro is throttling speeds because of heat issues.

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Comcast drops out of the $71 billion bidding war for 21st Century Fox assets, handing Disney victory

YouTube bans account of parents whose prank videos depicted child abuse - The FamilyOFive account has been terminated for good