
The insights series: Coenraad Loubser

FCC sends Sinclair mega-deal to likely doom

Airbnb is grappling with how to treat people with criminal convictions

FCC's Rosenworcel: US 'Falling Behind' on 5G

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Tech consumers should not be forced to sacrifice privacy for security - The Consumer Technology Association supports the proposed ENCRYPT Act, which would forbid laws that require manufacturers to weaken encryption or leave "back doors" for law enforcement.

Google Fiber could get a jolt from FCC utility pole policy - It would give companies access to territory that telecoms and internet providers had ruled.

Tesla Model 3 unmanned on Autopilot travels 1,000 km on a single charge in new hypermiling record

Chinese mobile phone cameras are not-so-secretly recording users’ activities

China Now Makes More Electric Cars Than Every Country Combined

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