
Why you should not use Google Cloud

Oil industry 'peddling misinformation' about electric vehicles

A company was fined 1,190,000 Euros for text message scams and was caught 2 years later doing the same thing

AI to help tackle fake news in Mexican election - An AI-powered search tool is being used to monitor fake news and polling station problems in Mexico's elections.

India's huge solar ambitions could push coal further into shade

UK Reveals Plan for a Centralized Biometric Database That Sounds Like an Absolute Nightmare

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

The next Facebook scandal? Quiz app “exposed data of 120 million users”

Your Tinder Photos Are Finally Encrypted Thanks to a 69-Year-Old Senator

EFF and human rights groups sue to have FOSTA declared unconstitutional

Wind, solar farms produce 10% of US power in 4-months