
Apple Admits MacBook Keyboard (butterfly mechanism) Fault, Offers Free Repairs

Backup driver in fatal autonomous-car crash was distracted by video on her phone: Police

Google Engineers Refused to Build Security Tool to Win Military Contracts

Instagram Removed a ProPublica Post Outing White Supremacists Because Facebook Keeps Blocking the Wrong Things

The Internet is Angry: Protest for Net Neutrality on June 26th

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Schneier warns of 'perfect storm': Tech is becoming autonomous, and security is garbage

Studios Remove 'Spyware' From Several Games As Gaming Public Revolts

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled 5-4 that police must obtain a warrant to obtain location info from a cell tower

Air Force certifies Falcon Heavy, orders satellite launch for 2020

Amazon Workers Demand Jeff Bezos Cancel Face Recognition Contracts With Law Enforcement