
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

[PSA] RED SHELL Spyware - Spyware packaged in popular video games!

The entertainment provided by televised sporting events has a significant effect on crime in Chicago, reducing the number of violent, property and drug crime reports by as much as 25 percent during the hours of a given game, according to a study

US court confirms danger posed by 'sound cannons'. "The problem posed by protesters in the street did not justify the use of force, much less force capable of causing serious injury, such as hearing loss," the court said in its ruling.

'Surveillance society': has technology at the US-Mexico border gone too far?

In nearly 500 pages of answers, Facebook stonewalls some senators’ questions

Titus, the Netflix container management platform, is now open source

Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes and former president Balwani charged with fraud

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

No one is opening those emails about privacy updates, and marketers are getting nervous

Amazon, Microsoft, and Uber are paying big money to kill a California privacy initiative