
FCC Reportedly Planning to Change Rules to Save Sinclair's Takeover of Local News Before Court Can Kill It

With Net Neutrality Repealed ISPs Now Have the Censoring Power of an Authoritarian Government - Americans, traditionally fearful of an over-powerful government, are underestimating the dangers of over-powerful corporations.

FCC Plans Rule Change Before Court Can Upend Sinclair Bid, Sources Say

“Samsung Electronics, the world’s biggest smartphone maker, has pledged to convert its operations in the United States, Europe and China to using only solar and other renewable energy by 2020.”

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New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Comcast Wants to Buy Fox, and the Post-Net Neutrality Corporate Takeover of the Internet Begins

Chicago Has Tapped Elon Musk to Build 100 MPH Airport Transit Tunnels, the First Major City to Strike a Major Deal with the Boring Company

Fortnite players are furious with Sony over their inability to play nice with the other consoles

Senators Wyden and Schatz Wants To Know Why The FCC Made Up A DDOS Attack

‘Conversations gone awry’—the researchers figuring out when online conversations get out of hand