
Copyright law could put end to net memes - Memes, remixes and other user-generated content could disappear online if the EU's proposed rules on copyright become law, warn experts.

Democrats urge U.S. House vote on net neutrality rules as end nears

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FCC accused of lying about 2014 and 2017 DDoS attacks - Tom Wheeler's adviser said he didn't cover up the 2014 attack, because it never happened.

“Google Station project has helped deliver free, public Wi-Fi to 400 India train stations. As a result, there are now more than 8 million people accessing the Internet each month via the project.”

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Facebook bug switched privacy settings of 14 million accounts to 'public'

Intel: We 'Forgot' to Mention 28-Core, 5-GHz CPU Demo Was Overclocked

A former FCC senior official who issued false statements to reporters, claiming a cyberattack hobbled the agency’s comment system in 2014 and that the ex-chairman ordered it kept quiet, is now backpedaling amid renewed scrutiny by U.S. lawmakers and a wholesale denial by the former chairman himself.

Jeff Bezos Is Already $40 Billion Richer This Year—While the Typical Amazon Worker Has Made Just $12,000

To Keep 'Internet Free and Open for All,' Dems Demand Paul Ryan Schedule Net Neutrality Vote Immediately