
Net Neutrality Advocates to Congress: Sign the CRA Petition Before the FCC Repeal Takes Effect or Face the Internet's Wrath

MIT scientists created a “psychopath” AI by exclusively feeding it gruesome and violent content from an unnamed Reddit sub. They named it Norman.

Washington State Is Suing Facebook And Google For Violating Election Advertisement Laws

Wikimedia Foundation becomes official EQUALS Global Partner

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“Comcast will pay Oregon local governments $155 million to resolve a decadelong legal fight under terms of a legal settlement announced Monday. Additionally, Comcast will drop its bid to take advantage of a tax break for internet service providers.“

Facebook confirms Data Sharing with Chinese Companies

Apple Watch: $17,000 smartwatch is obsolete after latest update

'Impossible-to-cheat' emissions tests show almost all new diesels still dirty - Emissions tests that are impossible for carmakers to cheat show that almost all diesel car models launched in Europe since the “dieselgate” scandal remain highly polluting.

Elon Musk claims Tesla will never do motorcycles because he was almost killed riding one.

70 Long-Lost Japanese Video Games Have Been Discovered in a 67GB Folder of ROMs on a Private Forum - They were found in a folder called "DO NOT UPLOAD."