
Closing coal and oil power plants leads to healthier babies being born, finds study: ‘Perhaps it's time for the health of our children to be the impetus behind reducing the common sources of ambient air pollution. Their lives depend on it’

A 100% renewable grid isn’t just feasible, it’s already happening

FBI repeatedly overstated encryption threat figures to Congress, public

Comcast's website leaks sensitive customer information, including plaintext router passwords.

'Facebook takes data from my phone – but I don't have an account!'

This is kind of a big deal. Two Senators, one Republican and one Democrat, who were impersonated during net neutrality repeal, call on FCC to investigate millions of fake comments

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Minister Ahmet Arslan: Wikipedia is open for improvement by anyone around the world, and should be open for editors in Turkey

Trump reportedly ignores ‘inconvenient’ security rules to keep tweeting on his iPhone

How The Recording Industry Hid Its Latest Attempt To Expand Copyright (And Why You Should Call Your Senator To Stop It)

Comcast just got caught leaking our router passwords.