
Exploring offline access to Wikipedia: WikiFundi, an editing tool for remote schools

“Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), says that the internet is a necessity and the government may not be able to let providers charge whatever they want for the use of what is an essential service, like a utility or road.”

FCC confirms net neutrality rules will end in June unless Congress votes to overrule them

Equifax denied passport numbers were involved in its data breach in February. Now it’s admitting they were there. Equifax says it didn’t know consumers were uploading passports to its platform.

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

The Senate just moved to force a vote on net neutrality

(Orange)Red Alert: The Senate is about to vote on whether to restore Net Neutrality

AT&T's Estimated Payment to Trump's Lawyer Rises to $600,000 as Investigations Ramp Up

IBM bans all removable storage, for all staff, everywhere.

The FAA will have ‘zero tolerance’ for anything less safe than current standards when it comes to regulating flying cars - And there were zero fatalities in commercial airline crashes in 2017.

Fourth Circuit Rules That Suspicionless Forensic Searches of Electronic Devices at the Border Are Unconstitutional