
The Guardian News App Harvests Your and Your Friends' Facebook Data

British lawmakers publish evidence from Cambridge Analytica whistleblower

Rhode Island Backs Off Ridiculous Plan to Block Porn, Charge $20 to Bypass Filters

Facebook will no longer allow third-party data for targeting ads

A billionaire biotech investor said Facebook will be decimated by its disastrous data leak

Dutch voters say 'no' to new spy law - Voters in the Netherlands narrowly rejected a proposed law granting authorities sweeping powers to spy on their data. The referendum was non-binding, but the government has said it will take the results seriously.

Backlash against tech companies is a wake-up call - By Mozilla Founder Mitchell Baker

Making women more visible online—with Wikidata tools!

Facebook Could Be Fined Millions for Violating Consent Deal

Carriers Are Hoarding America’s Bandwidth. Google Just Wants Them to Share

ACLU urges cities to build public broadband to protect net neutrality