
CLOUD Act bill was recently passed, essentially enabling violation of privacy worldwide

Elizabeth Smart wants her name removed from Rhode Island's anti-porn bill

Read Elon Musk's bold Mars colony plan for free online - The SpaceX founder details how he plans to get us to the Red Planet in a new publication by peer-reviewed journal New Space that's available for anyone to review.

Mark Zuckerberg Thinks We’re Idiots

Gigabit Coming to Every School in North Dakota, Thanks to New 100 Gig Backbone Network

Kim Dotcom wins human rights tribunal case over Kiwi government withholding personal information.

The shady data-gathering tactics used by Cambridge Analytica were an open secret to online marketers. I know, because I was one

FTC says it's probing Facebook, stock drops 5%

Study: wind and solar can power most of the United States

Regulation could protect Facebook, not punish it - Zuckerberg has the cash to jump through the government's hoops

The U.S. military has a weapon that can create human speech miles away