
Congress Enacts Garbage Surveillance Legislation By Attaching it to Must-Pass Budget Bill: The CLOUD Act is highly unpopular, but it passed, because Congress is dysfunctional.

How To Download a Copy of Everything Facebook Knows About You

Facebook, Google spending big bucks to fight California data privacy measure

Investigators raid offices of Cambridge Analytica after search warrant granted

Let’s stop pretending Facebook cares. It’s time to flip the script.

North Dakota will become the first state to achieve 1-gigabit connectivity for all of its school districts

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Steve Jobs tried to warn Mark Zuckerberg about privacy in 2010

Big Tech-Supported 'CLOUD Act' Is Yet Another Warrantless Surveillance Bill

Congress Introduces Bill To Remove ALL Privacy Protections For Data Stored On The Cloud. It's a License for Big Brother Surveillance On Everyone In The West

How To Permanently Delete A Facebook Account