
Congress Introduces Bill To Remove ALL Privacy Protections For Data Stored On The Cloud. It's a License for Big Brother Surveillance On Everyone In The West

How To Permanently Delete A Facebook Account

How Congress Censored the Internet

Craigslist Is Shutting Down Its Personals Section

Reddit: Guns, beer and tobacco transactions now banned - Gun Deals, Beer Trade and Cigar Market are three of the latest communities to be banned by Reddit in a move to distance the social website from transactions of "illicit or strictly controlled" goods.

Elon Musk deletes own, SpaceX and Tesla Facebook pages

Add your springtime photos to the sum of all knowledge

Cambridge Analytica breach results in lawsuits filed by angry Facebook users

AT&T Would Use Time Warner as a ‘Weapon,’ Justice Dept. Says

'Delete Facebook' searches hit 5-year high on Google after Cambridge Analytica crisis

Leaked: Cambridge Analytica's blueprint for Trump victory | UK news | The Guardian