
In Europe They’re Giving Users Control of Their Online Data

If You Can't Fix Your Phone, Then Do You Really Own It?

Whistleblower says Steve Bannon was at the heart of Cambridge Analytica’s data collection operation.

Facebook Forces NYT to Quietly Delete Unflattering Reference to Sheryl Sandberg

It’s Not Just Cambridge Analytica, Facebook, & Trump—The Whole Web Is Stalking You

Facebook under pressure as U.S., EU urge probes of data practices

Telegram Loses Bid to Stop Russia From Getting Encryption Keys

Sir Tim Berners Lee on Cambridge Analytica USA: ‘We need to rethink our attitude to web’

Wikipedia picture of the day on March 21, 2018: Male common...

Facebook is losing control of the narrative — and maybe the platform

California Net Neutrality Bill Would Go Beyond Original Protections