
Zuckerberg saved tens of millions of dollars by selling Facebook stock ahead of Monday’s decline

Why We're Not Calling the Cambridge Analytica Story a 'Data Breach' Facebook insists that Cambridge Analytica didn't get information on 50 million Americans because of a 'data breach.' It's right. What really happened is much worse.

The biggest solar parks in the world are now being built in India

Both Facebook And Cambridge Analytica Threatened To Sue Journalists Over Stories On CA's Use Of Facebook Data

Wikipedia picture of the day on March 20, 2018: An automobile...

Pressure mounts on Zuckerberg to face data breach concerns

Uber Is Pausing Autonomous Car Tests in All Cities After Fatality

To mark the passing of Stephen Hawking, they gathered together and made free to read his 55 papers in Physical Review D and Physical Review Letters. They probe the edges of space and time, from "Black holes and thermodynamics” to a "Wave function of the Universe."


Have you ever read Wikipedia’s article on Lady Gaga?

These Google employees used their '20 percent' time to improve Maps for people in wheelchairs