
Around the world, online platforms seem to be designed to keep us trapped in furious feedback loops that distract us from the difficult work that will ultimately lead to social change

Elon Musk: Humanity Is Pretending Fossil Fuels Have ‘No Probability of a Bad Outcome’

Wikipedia picture of the day on March 13, 2018: RhB Ge 4/4 III...

11 Mayors Applauded for Refusing to Do Business With Companies That Don't Support Net Neutrality: "Town by town, city by city, local leaders are taking back everyone's right to connect and communicate."

The web can be weaponised – and we can't count on big tech to stop it

Confound it!—Supporting languages with multiple writing systems

Comcast 'blocks' an email service: Yet another reminder why net neutrality matters

Elon Musk: "AI is far more dangerous than nukes"

Microsoft Helps Get A Computer Recycler Sentenced To 15 Months In Prison For Offering Unapproved Recovery Disks

SESTA Bill Will Not Prevent Sex Trafficking But Will Silence Online Speech

In India, 'fake news' and hoaxes catch fire as millions see YouTube for the first time. "Trending videos in India are often overwhelmingly hoaxes."