
Senator Introduces Fake Net Neutrality Bill Championed By ISPs Then Pretends He's Fighting Against Them

FBI director wants “lawful tools” to get into strongly encrypted devices

GOP tries to block state net neutrality laws and allow paid prioritization

Amazon under fire for banning sale of Google Chromecast and “fulfilling” sales of fake and copycat streaming devices.

Amazon admits Alexa is creepily laughing at people and is working on a fix

Most Americans think artificial intelligence will destroy other people’s jobs, not theirs

All of Oculus’s Rift headsets have stopped working due to an expired certificate

Wikipedia picture of the day on March 8, 2018: International...

How Leaked NSA Spy Tool 'EternalBlue' Became a Hacker Favorite

Reddit Says It’s Cooperating With Russia Investigations. They’ve Handed Over Zero Documents.

Leaked NSA Tool 'Territorial Dispute' Reveals the Agency's List of Enemy Hackers