
Wikimedia releases eighth transparency report

China is managing to lure young international IT talent away from the Silicon Valley into the Chinese tech industry

Rhode Island bill would charge $20 fee to unblock Internet porn

Community digest: Conversations with Wikimedia women; Arabic Wikinews and Global Voices collaboration; news in brief

Oklahomans Overwhelmingly In Support Of 2 Gigawatt Wind Catcher Wind Farm

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New video by The King of Random on YouTube

The More Countries Try to Restrict Virtual Private Networks, the More People Use Them

Oregon Becomes the Second U.S. State to Pass a Law Protecting Net Neutrality

YouTube removes ads from InfoWars’ Alex Jones channel but says it has no plans to delete it

Washington becomes first state to pass net neutrality law after FCC repeal - “All Washingtonians should enjoy equal and unfettered access to the educational, social and economic power of the Internet. I’m proud that we're helping lead the way to preserve these rules, ensuring a level playing field.”