
UMICH team may have solved Cuba ‘sonic attack’ mystery

Lamar Smith says Russian bots are trying to cripple US energy production

Drivers Continue to be the Largest Problem with Autonomous Vehicles

Twitter Is Rethinking Everything. At Last. - In a tech industry plagued by overconfidence, Jack Dorsey’s admission of helplessness is a refreshing blast of honesty.

Amazon Earned Billions In 2017, But Paid No US Income Taxes: “For states contemplating tax incentives for Amazon, the salient question is: what do you give a tax avoider who already has everything?”

Work with EFF This Summer! Apply to be a Google Public Policy Fellow

Cyberdyne's therapeutic cyborg legs arrive in the US - The exo-suit will help spinal injury patients get back on their feet.

Blue Origin isn't interested in a race with SpaceX: “Space is a big place. It’s not a zero-sum market.”

Amazon will stop selling Nest smart home devices, escalating its war with Google

China presses its internet censorship efforts across the globe

Dubai Wants to DNA Test Its Millions of Residents to Prevent Genetic Disease - The ambitious plan is part of its Dubai 10X Initiative to improve health in the city