
New DNA nanorobots successfully target and kill off cancerous tumors

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New video by The King of Random on YouTube

FCC Broadband Availability Data Blasted As Bogus, 'Shameful'

Update: Mozilla Will Re-File Suit Against FCC to Protect Net Neutrality

Facebook is suggesting mobile users 'Protect' downloading a Facebook-owned app that tracks their mobile usage

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Skype can't fix a nasty security bug without a massive code rewrite: The bug grants a low-level user access to every corner of the operating system.

Comcast sues Vermont after the state requires the company to expand its network

Elon Musk: I will “eat my hat” if a competitor’s rocket flies before 2023

A Facebook employee asked a reporter to turn off his phone so Facebook couldn't track its location — and it reveals a bigger problem within the company