
Facebook deletes claims it helped influence 2015 general election for Scottish National Party

Key iPhone Source Code Gets Posted Online in 'Biggest Leak in History'

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Stronger Than Steel, Able to Stop a Speeding Bullet--It's Super Wood! - Simple processes can make wood tough, impact-resistant—or even transparent

FCC report uses old data to ‘prove’ net neutrality repeal saved the internet

A self-driving semi truck just made its first cross-country trip

John Perry Barlow, Grateful Dead Lyricist, Internet Pioneer, Dead at 70

Self-driving truck from Embark successfully completes journey from California to Florida

Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian Steps Aside, Focuses on Initialized Capital - CIO Journal.

The Apple Watch can detect diabetes with an 85% accuracy, Cardiogram study says

Wikipedia picture of the day on February 8, 2018: Thai Airways...