
Bitcoin drops more than 14% to below $7,000

France bans smartphone use in cars even when you pull over.

Trump Wants Offshore Drilling, but States Are Choosing Wind Energy - States bordering the outer continental shelf are looking for carbon-free electricity as the Trump administration rolls back rules requiring it

Tesla big battery is already bringing Australia's gas cartel to heel

Here’s Ajit Pai’s “proof” that killing net neutrality created more broadband

US broadband is scarce, slow and expensive. Great! says the FCC

Mick Mulvaney, head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has pulled back from a full-scale probe of how Equifax failed to protect the personal data of millions of consumers

Equifax compromised half of the country’s information. Trump’s CFPB isn’t looking into it.

Former Yahoo employee: “Yahoo's idiocy is hard to exaggerate.” Yahoo refused to buy Facebook when it was still in its infancy, contracted out search to Google in 2000, rejected Microsoft's $44.6 billion bid in 2008, only to sell out to Verizon in the saddest deal in tech history.

Wikipedia picture of the day on February 6, 2018: Porsche 911...

Elon Musk giving 50,000 South Australian homes free solar panels and batteries