
High School Student 3D Prints New Hand for 11 Year Old Child

Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Infected Over Half-Million PCs Using NSA Exploit

NY Times: Living In a Surveillance State - how China is using technology to monitor and control an ethnic minority

Cryptocurrency botnets are rendering some companies unable to operate: Smominru botnet has infected 526,000 machines, generated as much as $3.6 million

Early Facebook and Google Employees Form Coalition to Fight What They Built

Wikipedia picture of the day on February 5, 2018:...

Tesla to put a Tesla outlet in all 800 Home Depot locations

Texas Got 18 Percent of Its Energy from Wind and Solar Last Year

Banks ban credit purchase of cryptocurrency due to risks

Growing trend of using predictive algorithms in courtrooms and human services offices raises concerns over their current lack of transparency

Facebook addiction linked to narcissism and other psychological factors, study finds