
Exxon sees global oil demand plunging by 2040 under climate regulations

Sprint's Solution to Fleeing Subscribers? A Price Hike.

Data Plan Prices Will Increase With 5G, Sprint Confirms

China to Start Blocking Unauthorized VPN Providers This April

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

There Is No Good Reason for the Government to Scan People’s Faces as They Leave the Country

Bitcoin biggest bubble in history, says economist who predicted 2008 crash - Nouriel Roubini calls cryptocurrency the ‘mother of all bubbles’ as it falls below $8,000

Republicans and Democrats team up for net neutrality in Washington state

The EU's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be the biggest overhaul of global privacy rules in over 20 years: EU citizens receive sweeping new powers over how their data can be collected, used and stored, and it will affect laws worldwide by imposing hefty fines for non-compliance

New York lobs $210m at telcos to hook up 120k homes, businesses with bumpkin broadband. Funny story – Verizon didn't care until they were told other ISPs might do it.

YouTube will start labeling videos from state-funded broadcasters