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From the life of Wikidata

Last week, AT&T ran a series of ads and tweets claiming to support net neutrality. This was really an attempt to gain support for bad net neutrality legislation that offers very few of the protections we had under Title II. We need your help exposing this astroturfing effort. Details in the thread.

Pinned to Pic of The Day on Pinterest

Plunging costs make solar, wind and battery storage cheaper than coal

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

The NSA literally deleted 'trust' and 'honesty' from its core values

Britain's first Bitcoin heist as trader forced at gunpoint to transfer cyber currency

China’s latest energy megaproject shows that coal really is on the way out - The Chinese province of Anhui built a massive floating solar farm on top of an abandoned coal mine. An even larger floating solar plant will come online by May 2018.

Apple seems to have forgotten about the whole 'it just works' thing

Trump administration is thinking about nationalizing 5G mobile network