
UTOPIA Fiber to Launch State’s First Residential 10 Gig Service

Google removes gaming apps with pop-up porn malware

As David Letterman’s first Netflix guest, Barack Obama warns against the ‘bubble’ of social media: “I think that what we missed was the degree to which people who are in power … special interests, foreign governments, etc., can in fact manipulate that and propagandize.”

Chernobyl's transformation into a massive solar plant is almost complete - “The new solar plant covers some 16,000 square metres (3.95 acres) and is fitted with 3,800 photovoltaic panels to convert sunlight into electricity.”

Zuckerberg Loses $3.3 Billion After Facebook Changes News Feed

Stealthy OSX/MaMi malware discovered targeting Macs

Facebook is trying to prove it's not a media company by dropping the guillotine on a bunch of media companies

Puerto Rico is taking a big step toward revamping how it gets power — and it could be a model for the rest of the US

Scientists are making carbon fiber from plants instead of petroleum

How to Build a Low-Tech Internet

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 14, 2018: Emirates...