
Proposed state laws would deny contracts to net neutrality violators.

Reiki Zen Meditation Music | Relax your Mind and Body | Soothing Music by Spiritual Moment

Reiki Zen Meditation Music | Relax your Mind and Body | Soothing...

A Public Internet Is Possible

Germany paid people to use electricity over the holidays because its grid is so clean - Electricity prices dipped below zero on Christmas in Germany.

Wikipedia picture of the day on December 30, 2017: A juvenile...

Russian hacker says he left behind clues when he broke into the DNC

Kansas Man Killed In ‘SWATting’ Attack; Attacker was same individual who called in fake net-neutrality bomb

Comcast Jacks up Price of Standalone Broadband to $75

Samsung doesn’t slow down phones that have older batteries

Robocalls—and complaints about robocalls—are booming: 4.5 million complaints last year.