
Comcast celebrating the death of consumer protections. Giving its employees $1,000 bonuses because net neutrality is dead

Reddit was misinformation hotspot in 2016 election, study says

While US Attacks Net Neutrality, UK Makes High-Speed Internet 'Legal Right'

26 senators are supporting a resolution to undo the FCC’s net neutrality repeal.

Wikipedia picture of the day on December 21, 2017: Aurora...

The Attack on Net Neutrality Is Just One Small Part of a Much Bigger, Dumber Plan

Apple has confirmed they slow down older iPhones "as their batteries degrade". (Clock speeds are lowered).

It’s Time to Nationalize the Internet. To counter the FCC’s attack on net neutrality, we need to start treating the Internet like the public good it is.

Shocker: FOIA Request Shows Yet Another Core Justification For Repealing Net Neutrality Was Bullshit

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Urgent: We Only Have Hours Left to Stop the NSA Expansion Bill