
Showing posts from October, 2019

Edward Snowden says Facebook is just as untrustworthy as the NSA

Report: Rudy Giuliani went to San Francisco Apple Store for iPhone help after being named Trump cybersecurity advisor - had entered password incorrectly 10 times

‘Sexual’ use of eggplant and peach emojis banned on Facebook, Instagram

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 1, 2019: Stone house on...

A Facebook content moderation vendor is quitting the business after two Verge investigations - Moderators complained of filthy offices and severe mental health strain

Younger Americans are willing to pay twice as much as their parents for clean energy

Aaron Sorkin: An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

The FBI is Tracking Our Faces in Secret. We’re Suing.

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Offshore Wind Energy Could Generate Enough Electricity to Power the World. Will the U.S. Get on Board?

World's largest storage battery will replace gas peaker plants in New York

Facebook leaves no doubt: It's the right wing's social network now

China establishes $29B fund to wean itself off of US semiconductors

AirPods Pro teardown confirms that they’re just as disposable as ever

The DNA database used to find the Golden State Killer is a national security leak waiting to happen

Firefox privacy protections reveal who’s trying to track you

Facebook Was Used to Incite Violence in Myanmar. A New Report on Hate Speech Shows It Hasn't Learned Enough Since Then

Text editor releases ‘Free Uyghur’ edition, gets swamped with Chinese spam

Trump campaign says Twitter ad block will ‘silence conservatives’: ‘Twitter just walked away from hundreds of millions of dollars of potential revenue’

Should Tech CEOs Go to Jail Over Data Misuse? Some Senators Say Yes | WIRED

Twitter just jabbed Facebook by banning all political ads: 'We believe political message reach should be earned, not bought'

Wikipedia picture of the day on October 31, 2019: Northern part...

The city with the best fiber-optic network in America might surprise you: Community broadband creates competition and better service and choice—along with giving local residents ownership.

Company Threatens To Sue NBC For Reporting On Its Facial Recognition Tech Being Used Against Palestinians | Techdirt

Twitter bans all political advertising

Twitter to ban all political advertising, raising pressure on Facebook

The Truth Is The Military Has Been Researching "Anti-Gravity" For Nearly 70 Years

Poor kids spend nearly 2 hours more on screens each day than rich kids - Kids from more affluent families have more access to tech but use it less.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare faces Russian backlash - The latest Call of Duty game has been hit by thousands of negative reviews over its portrayal of Russia.

New Lithium ion battery design can charge an electric vehicle in 10 minutes

Netflix wants to let people watch things at twice the speed, but Hollywood is pushing back

Xfinity is Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacking my Internet

Mitsubishi pulls Blizzard tournament sponsorship over Hong Kong protest player suspension

Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash kick off $90 million fight against California’s gig worker law - Under the ballot measure, drivers could get earnings guarantee of 120 percent of minimum wage

YouTube creator Lindsay Ellis is challenging the platform over the way it handles copyright claims

DNS over HTTPS Will Give You Back Privacy that Big ISPs Fought to Take Away

Mark Zuckerberg claimed Facebook was founded with political expression in mind. A former Facebook exec called that 'pretty obviously incorrect.'

Blizzard lost a big sponsor after the Hong Kong outcry: Mitsubishi - Blizzard lost the trust of its fans, and some money too

This man is running for governor of California so he can run false Facebook ads

Wildfire Victims Don't Have Cell Service Thanks to Greedy Telecoms - Letting cheapskate corporations dictate government policy doesn’t end well for disaster victims—or anybody else.

Blue Light Isn't the Main Source of Eye Fatigue and Sleep Loss

Wikipedia picture of the day on October 30, 2019: Fountain at...

Comcast Insists It's An Innocent Little Daisy On Consumer Privacy

The IRS Tried to Hide Emails That Show Tax Industry Influence Over Free File Program — After ProPublica sued the IRS, the agency released emails that show it has allowed the tax preparation industry to write the rules.

'Nearly All' Counter-Strike Microtransactions Are Being Used for Money Laundering

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Don't Fall Prey to Scaremongering about 5G - Activists cite low-quality studies in arguing radio-frequency radiation is dangerous, but the weight of evidence shows no risk

'First Internet connection' made over military ARPANET 50 years ago

Georgia hit by massive cyber-attack: A huge cyber-attack has knocked out more than 2,000 websites - as well as the national TV station - in the country of Georgia.

Google sued by Australian watchdog over location tracking - ACCC says Google mislead users over collection of location data.