
Showing posts from May, 2019

‘Robots’ Are Not 'Coming for Your Job'—Management Is

Russian military moves closer to replacing Windows with Astra Linux

Facebook reportedly thinks there's no 'expectation of privacy' on social media. The social network wants to dismiss a lawsuit stemming from the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

The Supreme Court Just Made It Easier for Police to Arrest You for Filming Them

Apple Will Likely End iTunes, to the Relief of Everyone

Google Struggles to Justify Why It's Restricting Ad Blockers in Chrome - Google says the changes will improve performance and security. Ad block developers and consumer advocates say Google is simply protecting its ad dominance.

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 1, 2019: Petrol is sold by...

North Face apologizes after openly gloating about gaming Wikipedia for free advertising

Facebook’s shareholder meeting was a sad display of impotent groveling, and it’s the future in store for many other investors

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

UK in two-week coal-free record: The UK has not used coal to generate electricity for two weeks - the longest period since the 1880s.

Russia Deployed Its Trolls to Cover Up the Murder of 298 People on MH17

Huawei reportedly orders employees to cancel US meetings. Americans working in its China headquarters were sent home, the Financial Times reported.

The Collapsing Crime Rates of the ’90s Might Have Been Driven by Cellphones

AT&T Sues California to Prevent Oversight Over IP Based 911 Calls Using State Law AT&T Supported and Wants Renewed

Facebook will never strip away Mark Zuckerberg’s power - When it comes to Facebook shareholders, Zuckerberg’s vote is the only one that matters.

Sorry, FCC—killing net neutrality probably didn’t expand internet access: FCC chairman Ajit Pai had claimed that rosy broadband numbers showed his deregulation approach was working.

A Delaware judge is ordering Facebook to turn over internal records regarding data privacy and access to user data

A Glass Battery That Keeps Getting Better? | A prototype solid-state battery based on lithium and glass faces criticism over claims that its capacity increases over time

BBC Goes to Conduct Its First Broadcast Over 5G, Immediately Hits Data Cap

Disney, WarnerMedia, Netflix all threaten to leave Georgia if abortion ban becomes law

Facebook lawyer says you don’t actually have any privacy on the site

Maine lawmakers pass bill to prevent ISPs from selling browsing data without consent

Democrats criticize FCC broadband report: Republicans say the digital divide is narrowing. Democrats say that's news to the 21 million Americans who still don't have broadband.

Google Just Gave 2 Billion Chrome Users A Reason To Switch To Firefox

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

New York tenants fight as landlords embrace facial recognition cameras

Encrypted messages are under attack: The German Ministry of the Interior wants to force WhatsApp, Threema and Apple to decrypt encrypted messages. But a backdoor for the "good guys" only is impossible.

Atomically thin material could cut need for transistors in half - It can do AND or OR logic in a single transistor, switch states using light.

Forget Mueller: Our pants are still down on election security, and Facebook can't save us

Japan bombed an asteroid and now it's preparing to collect the debris

Google Maps adds ability to see speed limits and speed traps in 40+ countries

Google still plans to kill Chrome's existing adblock APIs

IBM Sells Face Recognition Surveillance to a Dictatorship

IEEE bans Huawei Scientists reviewing papers

Mark Zuckerberg May Face Contempt Charge After Ignoring Subpoena

Chevron executive is secretly pushing anti-electric car effort in Arizona

DIY Facial Recognition for Porn Is a Dystopian Disaster - Someone is making dubious claims to have built a program for detecting faces in porn and cross-referencing against social media, with 100,000 identified so far.

Government Prosecutor Caught Sending Emails With Tracking Software To Reporters And Defense Attorneys

'We're Not Being Paranoid': U.S. Warns Of Spy Dangers Of Chinese-Made Drones

Renewable Energy Costs Take Another Tumble, Making Fossil Fuels Look More Expensive Than Ever

US Department of Energy is now referring to fossil fuels as “Freedom Gas” on its path to 'energy dominance' with bizarre re-branding

This graph shows that time spent on Facebook is flatlining, with no growth in sight

A wave of malware add-ons hit the Mozilla Firefox Extensions Store

Apple announces its first new iPod in four years

How to set your Google account to delete itself after you die

'A white-collar sweatshop': Google Assistant contractors allege wage theft - Interpreting a spoken request isn’t magic, rather it has taken a team of underpaid, subcontracted linguists to make the technology possible

Amazon removes books promoting dangerous bleach ‘cures’ for autism and other conditions

Huawei files new legal action as it tries for a swift end to its lawsuit against the US government

Jeff Bezos is one of the few top US billionaires who haven't signed the Giving Pledge. Here's how much the Amazon CEO has given to charity.