
Showing posts from January, 2019

Fake news sites are simply changing their domain name to get around Facebook fact-checkers

Amazon got 850K job applications in one month after announcing a $15 minimum wage.

Charter will spend less on cable network in 2019 but charge customers more

Amazon’s HQ2 was supposed to be a win for New York City. Instead it has become a huge political battle. Backers of the deal underestimated the strength of the opposition to corporate subsidies.

Apple revokes Google Enterprise Developer Certificate for company wide abuse

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Facebook shouldn’t be the only 15-year-old allowed to do whatever it wants - Mark Zuckerberg broke the world and tried to cover it up. Then, he killed a goat.

Mozilla Raises Concerns Over Facebook’s Lack of Transparency

Apple is Doing More to Police Facebook Than the U.S. Government

Apple leaves Facebook offices in disarray after revoking app permissions

A handy list of ways Facebook has tried to sneakily gather data about you

Net neutrality fight returns to court

Sheryl Sandberg: The Teens 'Consented' to Putting Facebook Spyware on Their Phones

A "gold standard" study finds deleting Facebook is great for your mental health | A unique study praised for its rigor finds numerous upsides to deactivating your Facebook account

Hackers Are Passing Around a Megaleak of 2.2 Billion Records

Lawmakers are furious with Facebook: ‘wiretapping teens is not research’

Youtube strikes are now being used for extortion

Google’s also peddling a data collector through Apple’s back door

After apple banned facebook's onavo vpn app from its app store, the company repackaged it, named it “facebook research” and offered it through three app beta testing services.

Leaving Facebook Makes You Happier, less politically informed, more active in IRL activities, and less likely to go back to Facebook.

Facebook Referred to Kids as Young as Five as "Whales" for Its Monetized Games

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 31, 2019: Seated Felis...

Apple just broke all of Facebook’s internal apps

Chaos has reportedly erupted inside Facebook as employees find themselves unable to open the company's apps on their iPhones

Apple blocks Facebook from running its internal iOS apps

Broadband Providers Are Quietly Taking Advantage of an Internet Without Net Neutrality Protections

Robocallers blasted Americans with 26.3 billion spam calls last year - Robocalls are up 46 percent from 2017

California Cops Continue To Pretend New Public Records Law Allows Them To Erase Years Of Past Misconduct From The Record

Nintendo Makes It Clear that Piracy Is the Only Way to Preserve Video Game History - By shutting down the Wii Store Channel and not letting users download old games, Nintendo is once again showing that in the modern digital era, you don’t actually own the things you buy.

These YouTubers are owed $1.7 million, and they’re probably never going to get it

Facebook has been paying teens $20 a month for total access to their phone activity

Facebook pays teens to install VPN that spies on them

San Francisco proposal would ban government facial recognition use in the city

Game retailer GameStop says it can’t sell itself, sees stock dive 27%

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 30, 2019:...

20,000+ people demand a federal investigation into the sale of users’ real-time location data by cell phone providers

A cure for cancer? Israeli scientists say they think they found one

House lawmakers supporting the T-Mobile / Sprint merger have taken over $2.4 million dollars from telecom giants

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Japanese government plans to hack into citizens' IoT devices - Japanese government wants to secure IoT devices before Tokyo 2020 Olympics and avoid Olympic Destroyer and VPNFilter-like attacks.

Big tech firms still don’t care about your privacy

Security Isn't Enough. Silicon Valley Needs 'Abusability' Testing

Cord-cutting trend expected to nearly double broadband-only homes in U.S. over the next five years - Broadband households without legacy multichannel expected to hit over 40 million by 2023

Facebook Moves to Block Ad Transparency Tools — Including Ours

Today’s Firefox Gives Users More Control over their Privacy

Google’s Sidewalk Labs Plans to Package and Sell Location Data on Millions of Cellphones

Apple: You can't sue us for slowing down your iPhones because you, er, invited us into, uh, your home... we can explain

Apple’s new developer guidelines signal that scammy subscription apps’ time is up

Linux Mint 19.1: A sneaky popular distro skips upheaval, offers small upgrades

"Moderate" Levels of Piracy Has Positive Impact on TV Show's Bottom Line