
Showing posts from November, 2018

GM worker blames Trump for job cuts

Windy weather carries Britain to renewable energy record - Windfarms supplied third of UK’s electricity this week, with output hitting 14.9GW high

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China tells tech companies to keep detailed records of users' activity

This New Atomic Clock Is So Precise Our Ability to Measure Gravity Constrains Its Accuracy

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Google employees are so angry about how Google handled plans for a censored Chinese search engine, some are talking about a strike

Marriott says 500 million Starwood guest records stolen in massive data breach

GCHQ’s not-so-smart idea to spy on encrypted messaging apps is branded ‘absolute madness’

Home Routers Under Attack by NSA-Spawned Malware: What to Do

Samsung’s Foldable Screen Technology Stolen and Sold to Chinese Firms

Blockchain study finds 0.00% success rate and vendors don't call back when asked for evidence

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Marriott hack hits 500 million guests

More than 40 percent of world coal plants are unprofitable: report

Bethesda Facing Possible Class-Action Lawsuit Over Fallout 76

The Music Industry Asks US Government to Make 'Unauthorized Streaming' a Felony

Your 4K Netflix Streaming Is on a Collision Course With Your ISP's Data Caps - High-resolution video streaming is on the rise, but data caps could mean bigger bills for customers.

Google Assistant will now be nicer if you say “Please” and “Thank you”

Facebook fake news inquiry: the countries demanding answers - Legislators from Argentina to Ireland feel the firm has failed to get a grip on the issue, and they are ready to step in

Samsung and Apple No Longer Make Up 50% of the World's Active Smartphones as Chinese Brands Grow

Sheryl Sandberg Is Said to Have Asked Facebook Staff to Research George Soros

✊ Today is an Internet-wide day of action for net neutrality ✊

After Microsoft complaints, Indian police arrest tech support scammers at 26 call centers

Emails Show Facebook Considered Charging Companies for User Data Access

'The Whole Internet Is Watching': As Deadline Nears, Day of Action Takes Aim at House Members Still Standing Against Net Neutrality

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 30, 2018: Walruses on...

ESPN Has Lost 14 Million Viewers In 7 Years Thanks To Cord Cutting

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Lenovo to pay $7.3m for installing adware in 750,000 laptops

Data From Millions Of Smartphone Journeys Proves Cyclists Faster In Cities Than Cars And Motorbikes

Congress has refused to restore net neutrality as Dec. 10 deadline nears - There's almost no Republican support for forcing vote to restore net neutrality.

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New York labor leaders: Amazon has 'record of routinely mistreating workers' - As Amazon looks to come to town, labor leaders tore into the company’s record on worker treatment in a new report

Take Zuckerberg's name off our city's hospital, says San Francisco politician - City leader cites ‘continued scandals’, as others begin to question the reputational cost of taking philanthropic funds from Facebook

ACLU Wants Release of Secret Court Order Demanding Facebook Build Surveillance Backdoor

Facebook Considered Charging for Access to User Data

California Is Still Trying to Gag IMDb. We're Telling A New Court: Don't Let It.

Activists Make One Last Push To Restore Net Neutrality Via Congressional Review Act

Israeli Exploit Developer Caught Negotiating Spyware Sales With Saudi Government

Loot Boxes to Be Investigated by the FTC

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Poo found on every McDonald’s touchscreen tested

Russian Hackers Haven't Stopped Probing the US Power Grid

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 29, 2018: Aerial view...

CEBIT is dead: The worlds biggest IT-fair has been cancelled

Republicans keep misunderstanding the law that protects internet platforms

Climate change’s highest cost: Overheated employees too miserable to work

Parents are giving tons of their kids' personal data away — and the long-term effects aren't yet known - Experts warn data posted online could one day influence kids' future job prospects, credit ratings

From $1.50 To $10 Per Month: How Comcast's Bogus Fees Are False Advertising