
Showing posts from February, 2018

AT&T Continues Its Bullshit Sales Pitch For A Fake Net Neutrality Law

AT&T's 'Consumer Bill of Rights' is a Misleading Head Fake

House Vote on FOSTA is a Win for Censorship

We studied thousands of anonymous posts about the Parkland attack — and found a conspiracy in the making

Elizabeth Warren: "Equifax may actually make money off this breach"

Google Shopping bans listings with the word gun in them, banning not only weapons but many other items such as "Guns N' Roses" CD

With Net Neutrality Rules Repealed, AT&T Gets Ready For Paid Prioritization

NASA floating 'happy' spacesuits to fight astronaut depression - Space can take a toll on astronauts' mental health, but new spacesuit technology aims to help ward off the blues.

Wireless Sprint CEO on net neutrality: There’s nothing wrong with charging for faster service

Washington just passed the country’s toughest net neutrality legislation

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Palantir has secretly been using New Orleans to test its predictive policing technology

Oregon moves toward state net neutrality law

Google and Facebook aren’t just incredibly profitable tech companies — they are “public goods” with a responsibility to serve the public, says Barack Obama.

Palantir has secretly been using New Orleans to test its predictive policing technology

California now allows driverless cars without a human behind the wheel

Florida Shooting Conspiracy Theories Land Alex Jones, Infowars In Hot Water With Youtube

More cities powered by renewable energy, data shows - The number of cities getting at least 70% of their total electricity supply from renewable energy has more than doubled since 2015

Democrats officially introduce legislation to stop FCC net neutrality repeal

Wikipedia picture of the day on February 28, 2018: Male lion...

The Erdős paradox: When a mathematical number and Wikipedia collide

Democrats introduce resolution to reverse FCC net neutrality repeal

Today r/Technology is joining Operation #OneMoreVote to save net neutrality

Experts: The Myth of Video Games Making Killers Is ‘Nuts’

Coinbase tells 13,000 users their data will be sent to the IRS soon

Google has received 2.4 million ‘right to be forgotten’ URL delisting requests and fulfilled 43%

The FTC’s lawsuit against AT&T’s throttling on ‘unlimited’ data plans will go ahead

Google Says It's Received 2.4 Million Takedown Requests Under EU's 'Right to Be Forgotten' Laws

Oregon moves toward state net-neutrality law - The proposal passed the House 40-17 Monday and now heads to the Senate.

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New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Law Enforcement Cracking Open iOS Devices Is ‘Threatening The Core Of An iPhone’s Value,’ Snowden Argues: "The only compelling reason for someone to buy an iPhone over more open, less expensive competitors was Apple's stronger stance on users' right to privacy and security."

FCC Republican faces ethics complaint after calling for Trump's re-election.

NRA gives FCC boss Ajit Pai a gun as reward for killing net neutrality. Yeah, an actual gun

President Trump said his decision to impose tariffs on solar panel imports is bringing back solar manufacturing to the nation, which the solar industry called out as misleading and untrue.

How Facebook helped turn users into Trump supporters -- Cambridge Analytica was able to use psychometric data to determine the effectiveness of the Trump campaign’s social media advertising campaigns and plan Trump’s travel schedule around it.

Studies are increasingly clear: Uber, Lyft congest cities - "Ride-hailing companies are pulling riders off buses, subways, bicycles and their own feet and putting them in cars instead. It is pulling from and not complementing public transportation."

Apple confirms it uses Google's cloud for iCloud

Trump FCC Boss Under Fire For Ethics Violations

Apple confirms it uses Google's cloud for iCloud

Coal CEO’s defamation lawsuit against John Oliver is dismissed

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FCC Commissioner: Our Policy Is ‘Custom Built’ for Right-Wing Sinclair Broadcasting

Nokia’s banana phone from The Matrix is back

Facebook locking people out of accounts for not running a malware scan that’s not compatible with all computers

New H.R. 1865 Sex Trafficking Amendment Would Make Websites Liable For User Comments, Content

Yes, the Samsung Galaxy S9 has a headphone jack

Elon Musk announced SpaceX's multithousand satellite Internet service will be IP-less

Apple loses bid to ban protests by French tax campaign group - Attac had staged a sit-in at Apple's flagship Paris store on December 2nd, blocking access for several hours in protest at what they claimed was "massive tax evasion" by the US tech giant.

Lab-grown meat: It’s about to be what’s for dinner